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Shandong Province SASAC provincial enterprise safety production inspection team to Laiwu Taihe to ca
瀏覽次數(shù):261 日期:2024/8/5 10:27:45【返回目錄】
On July 31, the first inspection team of the provincial SASAC provincial enterprise safety production was led by Wang Zhiqiang, Minister of the safety supervision Department of Shan Steel Group, to Laiwu Taihe to carry out safety production inspection. Feng Jianzhong, assistant general manager and safety director of Shuifa Group, and Li Zhenguo, Party committee member, deputy general manager and safety director of Shuifa Agricultural Group, accompanied the inspection.
The inspection team conducted a comprehensive inspection of the companys production safety work by listening to reports, consulting information and on-site inspection.? Implement the safety production responsibility system for all employees, safety training for all employees (including the latest laws, regulations, and standards such as the "Major Accident Hidden Danger Judgment Standard"), warning education and emergency drills. Cultivate enterprise safety culture and implement safety production input. We will carry out a three-year campaign to cure the root causes of production safety, implement the "eight major actions" and "four rectification", promote the dynamic elimination of major accidents, and deepen the construction of a dual prevention mechanism for standardization of production safety and risk classification control and hidden danger investigation and management. The inspection team went deep into the site, from the first process of the production process to the sewage treatment, to the companys key areas, key parts, key positions and other safety facilities and equipment equipment and reliable operation, and to the dust explosion area, hazardous chemicals tank area, outsourcing work site for a comprehensive inspection.
The inspection team gave feedback on the problem at the scene, affirmed the work done by Laiwu Taihe Company at the safety site, gave a better evaluation of the companys safety management status, and required that the current safety work be persevere.
Feng Jianzhong put forward specific requirements for the safety management of Laiwu Taihe Company: First, it is necessary to systematically sort out and analyze the problems raised by the inspection team, formulate rectification measures, plans, implement the responsible person for rectification, and immediately rectify; The second is to learn more from the experts of the expert group, enhance their professional knowledge level, learn the good experience of the expert group, good style and good practices, and effectively improve the safety management of Laiwu Taihe Company; The third is to draw inferno and comprehensively review the inspection process to eliminate similar problems in the future.
Laiwu Taihe main person in charge and relevant personnel accompanied the inspection.
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